The first stage of the survey among doctors and patients has been closed
The first stage of the survey among doctors and patients in PRACTA project was closed in January 2015. Our participants were 503 doctors from Masovia, Łódź Province and Wielkopolska, and 5030 patients aged 50+. Ten patients of each recruited doctor were surveyed in all primary care facilities invited to the project.
The largest group consisted of the doctors and their patients from the Masovia (316 doctors and 3160 patients). Somewhat smaller groups constituted doctors and patients from Wielkopolska (116 doctors and 1160 patients) and from the Łódź Province – 71 doctors and 710 patients.
Such complex and multi-faceted research could have been conducted thanks to active involvement of significant number of doctors and their patients. However, equally valuable was the open attitude and good will of the Directors and Heads of all the facilities, where our previously trained poolers has been sent.
On the base of the data gathered in the study, preliminary statistical analyses, regarding psychosocial needs of patients, have been conducted. Their results have guided preparation of the educational programme for the primary care doctors – presented in two forms: an e-learning and a paper. As soon as in March, they will be available to the doctors involved in the project. Participation in the training will be spread over time. The first group of doctors will have an opportunity to take part in it in March and April, then, the e-learning will be introduced to remaining groups of doctors. Our goal is to provide training materials to all doctors participating in the PRACTA project. We will keep you up to date with details regarding the training on our web site.
Projekt finansowany z Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego w ramach
Prograu Polsko-Norweskiej Współpracy Badawczej