On December 21, 2015 at the Department of Medical Psychology in Medical University of Warsaw a meeting of PRACTA team and representatives of the Section for Strategies and Developmental Projects, Department of Analysis and Strategies, the National Health Fund, Central Office in Warsaw took place.
The National Health Fund was represented by the Chief of the Section Katarzyna Wiktorzak and Sabina Karczmarz, Milena Sześciórka-Rybak and Rafal Kozłowski. The PRACTA team was represented by the project manager dr Dorota Włodarczyk and leader for e-learning dr Magdalena Łazarewicz.
The aim of the meeting was to exchange experiences on the establishment of original e-learning courses and analyzing opportunities for further cooperation in creating and increasing availability of e-learning courses for health care professionals. There were analyzed the opportunities and barriers in the dissemination of knowledge and skills in the form of e-learning. It is worth noticing that the first meeting of the PRACTA researchers with Katarzyna Wiktorzak took place at the turn of September and October 2015 in Trondheim during study visit "Norway Grants - Public Health Initiative in Poland" organized by Otto Christian Rø from the Norwegian Directorate of Health. This is yet another example of the multifaceted benefits of Polish-Norwegian cooperation.
Projekt finansowany z Norweskiego Mechanizmu Finansowego w ramach
Prograu Polsko-Norweskiej Współpracy Badawczej